Caramelized Onion Dip

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From the kitchen of Alicia Wingren inspired by this recipe
3 medium yellow onions, chopped (about 3 cups)
oil for sautéing, I used butter and a little coconut oil
1.5 tsp salt
pinch sugar
1/4 cup Marsala wine
12 ounces sour cream
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
dash of Worcestershire sauce (or soy, I used Worcestershire sauce)
water, if necessary
black or white pepper, to taste

Heat butter and coconut oil in pan over medium heat. Add the chopped onions. Sprinkle with pinch of sugar and salt and sauté for about 30 minutes. Adding the wine a little at a time to keep them from getting overly dried. Use water if you run out of wine. Sauté onions until they are deeply brown and fragrant. Taste them, they should be very sweet and tender.

While the onions are sautéing, soften cream cheese in microwave. My microwave does this best for 1 minute on 50% power. You should experiment with yours and find out the best time and power level that works with yours.

When the onions are ready fold them into the softened cream cheese, add a dash of Worcestershire sauce if desired. Mix in the sour cream and add a crack of black pepper if you like.