Eggs Stirred

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Inspired by Chef Ramsay

Stirred Eggs, Sausage, and sautéed Apples

Prepare a medium saucepan with:
6-7 eggs
1 Tbsp butter
Ramekin with:
1 Tbsp butter, chopped
1 Tbsp cream cheese, chopped
Ramekin or small dish with:
dash white pepper
dash forward
healthy pinch of salt

Gently crack 6-7 eggs in medium saucepan with 1 Tbsp butter. Prepare the two ramekins one with cream cheese & butter, and the other with the spices. Get a nice stiff jar scraper/spatula. Turn the burner on to medium heat and start stirring the eggs. Keep stirring. Pull them off the burner if they start sticking and fully scrape the bottom. Keep stirring over the heat and remove from heat as necessary. Eventually they will become cooked but still creamy. When they aren't quite finished cooking add the cream cheese and butter. Continue to stir over heat until the cream cheese and butter are melted and fully combined with the eggs. Stir over heat until desired done-ness is reached. Add spices and salt, stir to combine, and serve warm.