Hemp Seed Bars

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Source: Health Coach Kait
1 cup hemp seeds, I use these
1 cup almonds, chopped
1/3 cup nut butter of choice, I have found that pecan butter is amazing
1/4 cup melted butter
2 Tbsp coconut sugar - if using sweetened nut butter
OR 4 Tbsp coconut sugar if using unsweetened nut butter
1 Tbsp cacao nibs

Mix melted butter, nut butter, and coconut sugar thoroughly. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Line a loaf pan with parchment, press ingredients into pan, place in freezer to harden for about 1 hour. Cut into desired size portions. I normally do 8 small squares.

Note: I have found that these 3.2 cup rectangular containers are the perfect size for molding the bars, so I switched from using a loaf pan to putting them directly into a container like this. It saves a dish. I simply mold them in this, cut them with a butter knife, and store them in the same container.