Shortcut Avgolemono

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From the kitchen of Alicia Wingren
2 quarts of chicken broth, if using commercial use one salted and one unsalted
1 tsp better than bouillon (available at Costco), or a bouillon cube
1 onion, diced fine
OR 2-3 small shallots (reasonably priced at Winco), diced fine (shallots are preferred, they have better flavor, but onion works)
12 oz can chicken
⅔ c arborio rice (white rice works, but arborio is nice for a treat)
2 eggs
juice of two lemons (somewhere between 1/4-1/2 cup depending on how much you like lemon)
salt & pepper to taste

Pour broth in a large saucepan, add bouillon cube or better than bouillon, bring to a boil, and reduce by about a cup
In a separate pan, sautee onion or shallot in butter and coconut oil (combo of oil makes for better browning) and cook to at least translucent, but cook longer if desired.
Beat 2 eggs with lemon juice until frothy. After broth has reduced down from 8 cups to 7 cups, carefully ladle about 1 cup of soup into the egg/lemon mixture while whisking, repeat once more. Carefully pour the tempered egg/lemon mixture into the soup and whisk it in. Add chicken, heat long enough to get chicken hot. Taste, and add salt and pepper to your preference.
Serve hot.